Author, adventurer, art historian, business man


About Alfred

As an adventurer, business man and art-historian, Alfred Balm is a man of many talents. After building a multinational business conglomerate he decided to follow his passion and obtained a degree in Art History. His passion for art and his experience of growing up in Nazi occupied Holland resulted in captivating accounts of what might have happened to one of Holland’s national treasures. His personal experience and his knowledge of art history add additional depth and facts to an excellent work of fiction. 



The author’s narrative way of combining historic events with fiction, results in books enticing a mature audience to ask for more. As an art historian and adventurer, he is able to write in a captivating descriptive style, making the reader feel part of the story. Fiction becomes reality for the reader who will be spellbound and not able to put his book down.


The Fake Rembrandt

  • It is early in the Second World War, most of Europe is occupied by Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler aspiring to establish a thousand-year-empire. The occupied countries will be robbed of their art treasures, to be exhibited in newly built German museums, or to decorate the mansions of the dictator and his cronies. Treasures belonging to mankind, like The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper or Rembrandt’s masterwork The Nightwatch, are scheduled to be stolen and transported to Germany. A heroic group of individuals in The Netherlands assisted by the resistance organizations in both Holland and Germany, successfully mislead Hitler’s Field marshal Herman Goering, and produce a fake Rembrandt. It decorated his mansion Carin Hall during the war, instead of the real painting safely hidden in a mine, rolled up in a carpet and saved for posterity. But at what cost. The horrors of the concentration camps, the murders, the cowardice of some but the heroism of many in blood-curdling situations, the love, the emotions and deceptions, will keep the reader spellbound.

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The Expedition

  • When Bob comes into possession of an old journal outlining the loss of a French gold transport in 1884 on the tumultuous Marowijne river, in the middle of the Surinamese jungle, he mobilizes his friends and organizes an expedition to recover the long-lost treasure. While living out their boyhood fantasies the team unwittingly get embroiled in an international conflict involving a Cuban hit squad and a US Special forces team.

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The Fake President

  • It is the year 2032, the incumbent American President Rocio Bowling is defeated by the popular simpatico Harvey Hampton. The young President is facing a world readying itself for Global War. China has spread its influence like a virus infiltrating the economies of Africa and South America through offering financial assistance and bribing corrupt governments. Rogue nations are uniting to form a powerbase from where the mighty United States threatens to be attacked.

    Proliferation of nuclear armaments is no longer controllable, a rejuvenated Russian Empire under the aging Vladimir Putin, aspires to become the dominant power in Europe and the Middle East.

    But unbeknown to its adversaries America has developed a global defense system, code named Umbrella that encompasses the entire world. If from any point on earth, either on land, from the air, from a vessel or a submarine, a missile is about to be launched, it is immediately destroyed from space, exploding at the launching site.

    The top secret project is a threat for the ambitions of Russia, China and other countries, aspiring world dominance.

    The project however is absorbing extreme amounts of money, demanding great leadership from the President to maintain peace on the home front.

    As the scion of great grandparents who lost everything they owned during the great draught of the early nineteen hundreds, but through three generations built a conglomerate, realizing the American dream, Harvey Hampton was not destined to become President.

    During the many trips he made around the world after graduating with honors from Harvard, he noticed widespread inequalities. Not interested to become a business mogul he involves himself in politics, which ultimately lead to The White House.

    Realizing that its aspirations are at stake, the Kremlin devices a complot to sabotage Umbrella, so incomprehensible that it could only succeed. Will it?

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The Antiquarian

  • As the son of a crofter family young Berend Bouters natural talent finds him in the prestigious Art Academy of Amsterdam.

    It is early 1900. Everything points to a successful career as an artist, he works along Mondrian, becomes part of the Barbizon movement, until life throws him a curve ball. During the First World War, Holland remains neutral, Berend becomes the owner of a barge and during heart-stopping escapades, smuggles goods to occupied Belgium for which he is richly rewarded. When the war is over, authorities confiscate all his belongings. To rebuild his fortune, he ingeniously schemes to adopt a new identity though Switzerland, he becomes Baron Fernando Del Muntanyes, the famous Antiquarian. But when he becomes involved in the greatest art heist of the century, the theft of a 15th century panel of The Adoration of the Lamb from the St.Bavo cathedral in Ghent, he is relentlessly pursued by the police. Ultimately with the Sicilian mafia and the Belgian police on his tail he spectacularly escapes on board the Hindenburg Zeppelin to America. It seems to give him a new start, will it?

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The Globetrotter

  • On a bench in the central parc of Amsterdam, an old salt is sharing his memories with a contemporary senior, who spent his life maintaining the parc. The man is a simple but content pensioner who cared for the myriad of plants and flowers with dedication but the boundaries of the parc determined his living space, he never travelled beyond them. With increasing wonder and amazement, he listens in awe to the sometimes blood curdling narratives of the old sailor sitting next to him.

    The stories are opening a door to a world he never knew existed, revealing horizons that were always beyond his observation, until now.

    The sea smart sailor takes him to far away places, to the brothels in tropical harbours, the fights, the deadly danger but also the victories and the magic of a life spent at sea. The many amorous adventures, the brotherhood among seadogs, the tragedies, but also the enormous wealth resulting from risky undertakings, and how to quickly lose those fortunes again. The adventures are so realistically told that he imagines himself in the role of the sailor, but when the narrator pauses, to refresh his memories, the man contemplates about his own uneventful life. As soon as the mariner continues however, he imagines himself threatened by the enormous Komodo dragons on the Indonesian Gili Motang Island or finds himself in a deadly battle with the Nazi criminals of the ODESSA organization in Argentina. But he also wakes up in the warm embrace of the wicked woman married to his boss and he is running for his life again.

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The Steinhauer Conspiracy

  • When a student inherits documents from his enigmatic German grandfather, the gruesome reality of meticulously spelled out experiments on concentration camp prisoners, shocks him to the core. His respected grandpa, Dr. Steinhauer, had unbeknown to him, been a Nazi, responsible for human experiments that thus far had been kept from the public domain and from his beloved nephew, the naturalized-Dutch Maurice Steinhauer. From the documents, the student and part time journalist learns that a large group of scientists successfully manipulated the DNA of certain selected individuals, with the aim to create biologically enhanced sub-human beings ideally preordained to be unscrupulous murder machines fighting Hitler’s war. On his deathbed the old doctor repents and in writing besieges his nephew to use the information he left behind, together with a large sum of money, to find physical prove of what he and his cronies were involved in.

    His is well aware that crossbreeding between the monsters they created and normal women may have taken place, which could ultimately destroy homo sapiens. The post-war government of Germany, the ODESSA organization of former SS members and neo-Nazi’s within a growing number of far-right groups, are combining efforts to stop publicity of the facts. It would remember the world once again, to the detriment of a resurrected Germany, about the Holocaust and other bestialities committed by a past generation.

    Assisted by two of his friends, former members of the Dutch resistance during World War Two, Maurice Steinhauer embarks on a life-threatening journey. It takes them to the Russian sector of East Germany, to the Harz forest. The experiments took place, in tunnels dug deep under the mountains, along the V1 and V2 workshops of Werner Von Braun and his Nazi engineers. They find prove that the animalistic monsters Dr. Steinhauer and his evil scientists created, indeed interbred with European women.

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